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We talk about the aspects and scopes of the decentralization concept put forward by the emerging technology BLOCKCHAIN. Its astounding how people got hyped about cryptocurrencies in recent years. We hear about significant amendments that can be brought out by decentralization in financial systems or how talents can be recognized and awarded in form of NFTs. Blockchain is believed to be able to conquer most of the industries by its decentralized, trustless solutions. 

This blog is aimed at diving deep into the underlying technicalities of these popularizing assets and analyzing the future scope of this notion.

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What is Decentralization?

As the name suggests, the term decentralization is contrary to the word centralization which means control of activities and authority of...

Understanding Blockchain...

HMMM BLOCKCHAIN....!! As if a chain of blocks? LAME -.- Its TRUE though :p YEPPP!!! Blockchain is the chain of blocks that are linked...

Blockchain Features...

HOLA!! So today we are going to talk about features of Blockchain. These are the core and key concepts, this technology is build upon,...

Structure of a Block...

You might be wondering. What's inside a block? DATA? DUHH!!!....But there's more.... Basically, a block is divided into two parts - Block...

How Blockchain Works?...

Being a decentralized system, the functioning of Blockchain network may seem A LITTLE CRAZY at first. But soon as I walk you through the...

Journey of a Transaction...

The smallest unit of the Blockchain is the transaction that has to executed, being the main function of this technology. Transaction in a...

Consensus Protocols...

Ready to get a bit TECHNICAL? Alrightyyy!! We have mentioned consensus algorithms before in previous articles. But ignored its...

Problem Solving

Even after all this hustle, why do we need a system like Blockchain? Yeah, we get it, security, integrity and stuff..... But that can be...

Smart Contracts

Welcome back guys!! Today we are going to talk about one of the most crucial and interesting feature of the Blockchain technology- Smart...

Crypto Wallets

Talking about digital money, you might be wondering where will we gonna keep it? For fiat money, we have bank accounts, wallets, etc. But...


So TOKENS huh!? Isn't it the same as cryptocurrency? I mean we use them interchangeably, right?? NO HON! : | Cryptocurrency is...

Types of Blockchain

Blockchain being used in various industries requires features that are customizable, so that it can prove to be good fit for a particular...

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